Copyright � 2000, 2002 Ross Jensen Associates Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for exploring RulesMaster Pro II.
Tip: When viewing this document in Windows Notepad, check 'Word Wrap' ON in the Notepad 'Edit' menu to see all the text in the Notepad Window.
Insert the RulesMaster CD into your CD-ROM drive.� Windows Autorun will launch the setup dialogue.� If no dialogue appears, from the Start menu, choose Run and type D:\SETUP.EXE (Substitute the correct letter for your CD drive).� Alternatively, open Windows Explorer, then open the drive containing the RulesMaster CD and double click on the file SETUP.EXE.� Either way will launch the RulesMaster installation program, and you can follow the prompts on the screen as they appear.� Once installation is completed you can start playing RulesMaster Pro by selecting the program in the Windows Start Menu, or by selecting the icon on your desktop.�
You can access this ReadMe file after installation by using the Start Programs menu.�
Note that the Setup program installs only the RulesMaster program files on your hard drive.� The RulesMaster Pro CD must remain in your CD drive in order for the program to operate.
Some older anti-virus programs may cause error messages to appear when you attempt to install the program.� In this case disable your anti-virus program and then try again.� (In most cases you can find your anti-virus program icon on your Taskbar.� Simply right-click the icon, and then click Disable.)
Note for users of Windows 2000 and Windows XP: you must be logged on with Administrator privileges.
RulesMaster Pro keeps records of your scores for each of the quizzes associated with a lesson, for up to three users.� You can see your records by way of the 'ScoreCard' (access ScoreCard from Lesson Map, or from the 'Options' menu within a lesson).� In addition a text file 'Your Name'.txt is kept within the Records Folder within the RulesMaster program file.� This can be opened by Notepad, and printed at any time.� A new feature in version 2 allows you to save a copy of your records to your desktop (so it's easy to email them to your instructor) or to print them using the Windows Notepad default printer.
If you find that RulesMaster Pro runs slowly or if you encounter errors, then the application probably doesn't have access to enough memory.
Consider doing the following to improve your computer's performance:
� Close all unnecessary applications.
� Make sure you have at least 32MB of RAM. (Right-click the My Computer icon on your Desktop, then select Properties to check this.)
Also be sure you do not rename or move any of the files inside the RulesMaster Pro program directory.
If you encounter problems installing or running RulesMaster Pro, please first consult the 'Frequently Asked Questions' section of this document, or for the most up to date list, go to� If this doesn't work, email� Explain the problem, quote the date and place of purchase, the model computer, amount of RAM, free hard disk space, type of video driver, and any other pertinent details.
See the file 'What's new in version 2.00.doc' on the CD or in your RulesMaster Pro program directory (i.e. C:\Program Files\RulesMaster\Pro_II).
Q: How do I get the Windows taskbar off the screen in 640x480 mode?
A: In the Windows 95/98 Start Menu, select Settings/Taskbar, then click the Options tab, then checkmark 'Always on top' and 'Auto hide' and click OK.� To get to the taskbar after this, move the mouse pointer to the edge of the screen where the taskbar used to be and it will pop up.
Q: The graphics on my screen look odd.� Why are there weird coloured patches here and there in the window?
A: If your Windows system colours are set to 256 you will experience this.� Change your settings to display 16 bit colour (sometimes called 'High Color') or more.� (Go to Control Panel, open Display click on the Settings tab, and set colours to 16 bit or more.)
Q: Can I make the RulesMaster panel appear larger on my screen?
A: The RulesMaster display area is 640X480 pixels, so if your screen's Display Area is set too high, you may find the display too small.� Open your Windows Control Panel and select 'Display'.� Click the Settings tab, and adjust the Display Area to a suitable level.� Usually 800X600 works best.�
Q: I can't hear any audio when I use RulesMaster Pro.� What's wrong?
A: Most likely it's because your system is not playing audio files properly.� First of all check the obvious things like the volume control on your loudspeakers, and the volume control in your windows taskbar (click on the speaker icon).� Most computers have more than one sound device (e.g. WAV and MIDI) and you will need to open the Master OUT volume controls (usually this opens if you double click on the speaker icon in the taskbar).� Make sure that the checkbox under Wave is NOT checked, and that the Wave volume and Master volume sliders are set to at least the mid point.� You can check this by opening the file R_38_oops.wav, which is located in the Oops folder on your RulesMaster Pro CD.� If you double click on this file you will see it play using the media player installed on your system.� If it doesn't play properly, you know that there is a problem on your system.
Q: How do I use other programs while playing RulesMaster Pro?
A: RulesMaster products are designed to occupy the entire screen so as to take best advantage of your monitor's capability and ensure that you can see all of RulesMaster's multimedia elements and controls.� However, if you need to open up another program quickly, the following Windows key commands may help:
����� Ctrl+W toggles the background on and off (visible when the display screen area is set to 800x600 pixels or greater).
����� Ctrl+Esc (and the Windows key on many keyboards) switches the focus to the Windows Start Menu, or to other active programs.
����� Alt+F4 terminates the active program immediately.
Q: How can I reinstall RulesMaster Pro, but keep my user records?
A: Your records will remain intact, even after you have uninstalled the program.�� All user records are kept in a folder called 'Records' which is normally inside the RulesMaster Program folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\RulesMaster\Pro_II\Records).�
Q: I am using RulesMaster Pro as part of a course.� How do I forward quiz responses to my instructor?
A: RulesMaster Pro keeps records of your scores of all quizzes undertaken as part of your lessons.� They are stored as a folder called 'Records' which is normally inside the RulesMaster Program folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\RulesMaster\Pro_II\Records).� Note that records of your practice sessions (QuickQuiz and FlashCards) are not stored.� A new feature in version 2 allows you to save a copy of your records to your desktop (so it's easy to email them to your instructor) or to print them using the Windows Notepad default printer.
Q: How can I uninstall RulesMaster Pro?
A: You can simply Go to Control Panel, select "Add/Remove Programs" then select "RulesMaster Pro Version 2" on the "Install/Uninstall" tab of the Add/Remove Programs Properties" dialogue box.� This will launch the RulesMaster Pro uninstall program. If you want to delete your user records you have to do this manually.� They are stored as a folder called 'Records' which is normally inside the RulesMaster Program folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\RulesMaster\Pro_II\Records).
Q: I have been using RulesMaster FlashCards and have just purchased RulesMaster Pro version 2.� Should I uninstall RulesMaster FlashCards?
A. RulesMaster Pro and RulesMaster FlashCards are installed separately on your computer, and they will coexist quite happily.� However, since RulesMaster FlashCards is a component of RulesMaster Pro, there is no need to have two separate versions of the program!
Q: I have been using RulesMaster Pro and have just purchased RulesMaster Pro version 2.� Should I uninstall RulesMaster Pro version 1?
A. We recommend that you uninstall version 1 before installing version 2, though in most cases it doesn't matter.� In normal installations the two versions are installed separately on your computer, and they will coexist quite happily.� However, if you change the default installation directories and try to install version 2 in the same directory as version 1, then the programs will not work correctly.� Note that student records for version 1 are incompatible with version 2.